Friday, November 7, 2014

Doctor Appointment Update - November 7

Bev had a couple of appointments yesterday to check in with the Oncologist and the Radiation Oncologist.  There were two very best parts of the appointments- first is that the first scan after radiation is showing no progression in the size of the tumor, and second is that the tumor is "methylated".

The lack of progression means that the tumor has NOT grown during the treatment - which is WONDERFUL news!  It also means that we should really see an improvement over the next few weeks in some of Beverly's symptoms especially in the language department.  This will likely happen because the swelling caused by the radiation should go down and since the tumor hasn't grown, the combination of those two things will help symptoms improve.  So, we wait.

The "methylated" word is also good news because only 40% of brain tumors are methylated - but those types of tumors respond better to the chemotherapy.  So, for once, we're happy with a below average number when it comes to this tumor business for Beverly.

Her appetite continues to improve as well.  She ate an entire grilled cheese and spinach sandwich yesterday.  She also ate some chicken and some salad, and it all tasted good to her!  She is SO excited to be getting her foodie instincts back!!!

She is losing some of her hair due to the radiation, so Kelly has done some artful trimming so that Bev isn't running around with a mullet and she took Bev shopping for some knit caps too.  We didn't think this was going to happen as much as it has, but they said it will grow back - it's just another side effect of the radiation, much like the taste buds going on strike was.

She is in residence at Seth and Kelly's and will go to some soccer games with the girls tomorrow, and then Sister Liz is coming to stay with her for the remainder of the weekend.  Next week, she will have 5 days of the chemotherapy meds - which has been part of the plan all along (if the first post-radiation scan showed no progression of the tumor), and if all continues, she will do 5 days of chemo each month.

So, she's delighted with the news from yesterday - as we all are.  Please keep those prayers and good thoughts coming!!!

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Some tasty news! - November 2

Beverly reports that her tastebuds are on their way back! Hallelujah!!!!!!

Tuesday of last week she had a grilled havarti cheese sandwich that she enjoyed.  We were very cautiously optimistic at that news - but the fact that something containing cheese even appealed to her was a HUGE step!!!  She made her favorite soup last night (the loss of appetite for this soup was a major blow when that happened), and even though it didn't taste exactly right last night, she still enjoyed it!  Interestingly, she reports that her headaches haven't been bothering her lately too.  Nothing like food when you're hungry!  She's very encouraged at this progress, and you can imagine that we all are - and we thank you for your continued encouragement and prayers and good thoughts and on and on!

Sister Susan just spent a whole week with Bev "getting things done that needed to be done" (Beverly's words) so one can only imagine that that means.  Those sisters get together, and, well... :-)

OK that's about all for now, but we wanted to pass along the tasty news so you can rejoice with us and keep those good thoughts coming and prayers lifted!

More updates when something interesting happens, or after her appointments late this week.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Two weeks later - October 21

So, it's been two weeks since Beverly finished her treatment!  What's happened in that time?  Not much, honestly.  Which is good.  Boring is good at this point.  

She's been at home with various people being with her - Jill, sister Liz, BFF Caroline, Chris, and sister Sue next week.  She continues to enjoy having people with her all the time...well, maybe not so much, but since the doctors say it is necessary, she's being a good sport about it.

Meanwhile, her appetite isn't much better, although she's decided that buttery eggs taste pretty good.  She mentioned this morning that she might try buttery noodles later today.  She has also decided that the $1 fountain cokes from Mickey D's are one of the best things ever - thanks to Jill for introducing her to that delicacy!  And heck, it's calories, so why not?

Bev also had a follow up appointment with her Oncologist last week.  Nothing terribly exciting there, more of same with trying to get calories in, resting enough, and so on.

So, for now, things are kinda hanging steady.  The first couple of weeks of November will be a little busier in the news division cause she has scans and labs and appointments.

Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers, especially that food will start to be appealing again.  She's so tired of not wanting to eat, and for someone who enjoys cooking and loves to eat, this is really hard on her.  Please also keep her family in your prayers, especially that the on-going stress of all of this won't cause hurt and issues with relationships that cannot be recovered from.

We'll post again in the next week or two unless something really interesting happens before then.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

LAST DAY OF TREATMENT!!!!!! - October 7

She did it!  30 trips to Emory for radiation and 42 doses of chemo later, she's done with that brutal 6 weeks!!  HOORAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If a picture is worth a thousand words, a video is worth even more.  Enjoy!!!  (You're gonna have to tilt your head to watch it - can't figure out how to get it oriented correctly!)


Thursday, October 2, 2014

Three to go! - October 2

Twenty seven down, three to go.  Yessss!!!!

Had the weekly visit with Dr. McFavorite today - won't see him for a whole month now!  He said if all Beverly wants to eat is ensure, ice cream, and peanut butter - well, so be it! The goal is to get at least 1100 calories into that body and we don't much care how they get there just so long as they do.  Well, Beverly was most relieved and delighted to hear that and let me know that I can quit trying to find foods that she'll eat - she'll do just fine on her shakes and peanut butter, thankyouverymuch. :-)  He did say that within just a few weeks after radiation ends, her taste buds will start coming back and they will get better and better pretty quickly after that.  So, milkshakes it is!

He also discussed the fatigue that she can expect to experience for the next few weeks.  He wants her to rest, but he does not want her to just stay in bed - his words were "you just have to stay active and push through this until it starts getting better".  She took those words to heart - as soon as we got home, she took her milkshake and went for a nice walk around her property.  Hopefully the Africa hot weather has subsided for the year and it won't be so miserable outside so she can get out a wee bit more and move around!

On the way home from Emory, Beverly treated herself to an iPod and tonight we're going to load it up with books and music for her listening pleasure.  (Now is when you picture Beverly rockin' out with her earbuds in!)

So, that's the news for today - all good, all in order, and all moving in the right direction!!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Holy Cow! It's October!

Boy did October sneak up on some of us!!  It's hard to believe that it is well and truly fall already...again...But, October it is and it is a beautiful time of year and life is good!

Beverly has FOUR treatments left - can you believe it?  6 weeks seemed like SUCH a long time when this all started and now she's four trips to Emory away from being finished.  She's pretty excited about that, and looking forward to ringing the bell!  (When patients finish their course of radiation treatments, there is a brass bell that they ring on their way out the door for the last time and everyone - and I do mean everyone - stops what they are doing and applauds and cheers.  It's pretty moving, and quite festive.  So Bev is looking forward to her turn to ring that bell!)

In the meantime, her appetite is really bad.  She's pretty much down to bananas and ice cream in terms of things that taste good to her, and this morning, the banana didn't even taste good to her but she got it down.  She has a bit of a nagging headache, which abated today after she had a smoothie, so our current working theory is that she's hungry.  So.  Gonna try to get her to eat some butternut squash soup later today...maybe some boiled potatoes and butter...and if all else fails, we're gonna have a yummy milkshake made with Ensure, Ice cream, a supplement or two, some caramel - and we might just throw some butter in there for good measure!  (I'm kidding about the butter. Sort of.)

She's now resting on the couch test driving an iPod to see if listening to audio-books is something she would like to do for relaxation since reading is really hard right now. She is in amazing spirits, she's like herself (as opposed to her confused self of a month ago), and it is really, really wonderful to see!!!

Pray for her to get her tastebuds back soon, please!

We'll keep you posted!

Friday, September 26, 2014

Another Week Ends - September 26

Ahh, Friday!

As of this moment, Beverly has one full week plus two days of treatment left!  Amazing, isn't it?!  Been a long haul - but our Beverly has been a real trouper throughout - keeping her chin up, a positive attitude, and even when things weren't going really great, she hung in there through it.  And so, everyone else takes their cues from her and well, this hurdle of daily treks to Emory is almost behind her and we're all very glad!

Recap of the week -

So Jill and Susan have been there this week, and that's been good for Beverly - she's enjoyed it, we're sure!  Let's see, what are the medical updates for the week?

The droopy left foot:
Beverly saw the neurologist and did bunches of tests on that droopy left foot on Wednesday.  It is not related to the tumor.  Beverly will be doing some physical therapy to try to build up some strength in that foot - but after her appointments, she was adamant that we should all understand how bad it is to sit on your foot (or feet), and to cross your legs.  So, pay attention - when you're sitting watching TV, do you have a foot tucked underneath you?  When you're at work, are you crossing your legs?  All that is really bad for your peripheral nerves.  Don't sit on your feet or cross your legs!  (Here ends the public service announcement!)

The visit with the nutritionist:
Beverly just really is not enjoying the taste of meat right now, and she lost a little more weight this week, so they met with a dietician.  She was given great ideas about how to boost protein and calories without meat being a factor, so that was good.  Knowing that this lack of appetite or food tasting good thing should be temporary, for now, Beverly can supplement with high-calorie protein bars, nutrition supplements, and so on.  So that was a good visit.

The weekly visit with Dr. McFavorite:
Here's where it really gets good.  Ready?  The Guinea Pig scan from last week shows that the tumor has DECREASED IN SIZE.  Slight decrease, but it is a DECREASE!!!!!  Now I know this brings a question or two - the first probably being "but I thought they got the tumor when they did surgery?".  They got a lot of the tumor when they did surgery, but as this type of cancer (glioblastoma) doesn't have nice, clear margins, it is impossible to remove it all surgically.  So, even after surgery there was some left - and that "some" has reduced in size so far through her treatment!!!!

***This is where we all break into our happy dances, or whoops of joy, or prayers of thanksgiving, or lighting of candles or all of the above!!  But folks, this is a big deal and it is a great step!!!***

So, that's the news of the weird, er - world, for this week!  Susan heads home tomorrow, and Jill will be there for the weekend and for the Emory treks on Monday and Tuesday.  Kristen will drive up on Tuesday and drive the treks Wednesday through Friday.  After that, Beverly will only have two more routine days at Emory for radiation, and then she'll go into maintenance mode.  She'll be able to do her PT closer to home too, so that is good news!  

Driving to PT appointments will be a place where we could use help from all you faithful friends out there who are asking how you can help.  Since she can do it much closer to home, it won't involve the same time commitment as the Emory treks have required.  Once we get the details on where and when, we'll send out the call for help!

Happy Weekend Everybody!!!  Keep those good thoughts and prayers going, please!!

Monday, September 22, 2014

Another week begins! September 22

First, a giant happy birthday to Beverly's son Seth!!!

This week, Jill and Susan (Bev's sister) are in residence with her, they both got there Saturday (and Ivy left Saturday after a week that Bev really enjoyed!).  Beverly had an appointment today with her Oncologist (not Dr. McFavorite but this one is a goodie too).  He confirmed the complete lack of dietary restrictions and will have a nutritionist work with Bev on some ideas for foods that may taste good to her.  He is also sending her to a Neurologist - her left foot has been kinda droopy since all this started, and seems to be getting worse - but they feel it is unrelated to the tumor so want a Neuro to see her.  Reports are that Beverly was very engaged and had a great sense of humor in today's visit - continuing her streak of being not too overwhelmed to ask her own questions and participate, so we're happy about that!

Meanwhile, Jill reports that there were some shenanigans last night at the house...apparently there were strange lights and Bev went outside to let those intruders know they were on private property and she would call the police if they didn't leave!  Then Susan got in on the act too.  Meanwhile, Jill was engrossed in a book and didn't want to participate and they were like "Why isn't Jill coming out??"...and then they realized the strange lights were really a porch light causing a glare!!!  She (Jill) said it was hilarious.  One can only imagine!!!

Happiness is the fact that Beverly can participate in shenanigans!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Thursday's update - September 18

Today was a long day of appointments.  Beverly, Ivy, and Chris zoomed off to Emory this morning and learned upon arrival that the Oncologists and their crews had been to a conference this week, so there was a backlog of patients to be seen.  Never mind, it's to be expected!  So Beverly did her "officially past half way" radiation treatment, and then the Three Amigos sat in the waiting room waiting to see Dr. McFavorite for quite some time.  But see him they did, plus his nurse practitioner, and this is what we know:

1.  Bev lost almost two full pounds in the last week.  The directive is "calories, calories, calories".  So we think ice cream at every meal, with some butter on top, is what needs to happen!  Seriously though, many things just don't taste good to Bev - things that she loves so much - and the doctor said today that is normal while undergoing radiation and to expect that to last 6-ish weeks after the treatments are complete.  So, we need to push calories as much as possible without worrying about if it is healthy or not at this point.

2.  She's responding well to the treatment!  The good doctor was pleased today, and those with her this week have reported better responses, so we are claiming and trusting that the treatment is having the desired effect!!!

So, tomorrow, Chris will zoom off to Emory with Ivy and Beverly in the chase car behind him.  Once he gets them delivered safely to treatment, he'll head home to Jacksonville and Ivy will drive Beverly home.  Jill will be there tomorrow night too, and rumor has it that Sister Susan arrives Saturday.

Another week down, y'all!  Please keep those good thoughts, prayers, cards, calls, letters, well wishes coming!  Beverly (and all the family) are buoyed by the outpouring of caring on Bev's behalf!!!

And...we'll keep you posted! 

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Half Way - Tuesday September 16

OK, so today is the HALF WAY POINT of treatment for Beverly!!!!  Yay!!!!  15 more treatments to go and she'll be done with this phase of the process.  We know she's glad!

Yesterday Jill took Beverly to Emory for another treatment and then home to hang out with friends Ivy and Donna.  Today Chris took Beverly for treatment and fortunately, it was uneventful.  The President was scheduled to be at the Centers for Disease Control - which just happens to be across the street from Emory so they were not sure what they'd encounter.  Fortunately they were done and out of there before the craziness began, so that was a relief!   This afternoon Beverly and Ivy went and got their nails done and had some girl time.  At the last report, they were having a good evening - even though Bev didn't eat much of her supper - we think probably because she ate a bunch of ice cream right before!  Ha!!!  Who is going to argue with her about eating ice cream?  No one!  

So tomorrow is back to Emory for the usual treatment and then lab work, should be a relatively uneventful day.

Chris hadn't seen Bev in almost two weeks and reports a noticeable improvement in her confusion and all that stuff, so that is really, really happy news.  Really, really! 

So, girls and boys, keep those prayers and good thoughts coming!!!

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Weekend Update - September 14

Quick update on the weekend - Seth brought Beverly home Friday afternoon and she's been there with Jill this weekend.  Sounds like they've had a good time, I heard Beverly was sweeping yesterday before they went to go pick out some fabric for some cushion re-covering, and today she went to watch Jill play a tennis match - that turned into a four hour match that Jill and her tennis partner lost.  Boo!!! We wanted Jill to win!  But Bev said it was a good match and that she enjoyed it.

Ivy is on her way today, Jill is taking Beverly to her treatment Monday, Chris will be there Monday afternoon to manage the driving for the rest of the week, so our Beverly has a full week ahead!  She reaches the halfway point in her chemo and radiation this coming week as well, so that's an exciting milestone!

Please keep those wonderful good thoughts and prayers going!!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

And Twofer Thursday - September 11

Two more treatments completed!  That brings the count of Radiation treatments down to 18 (almost halfway done!!) so that's great!

Beverly had another really good day on Wednesday, complete with a radiation treatment and a weekly trip to the Lab for bloodwork.

Today, Beverly had another of her Guinea Pig scans, then radiation, and then her weekly visit with Dr. McFavorite.  Seth really enjoyed reading the research questionnaire with all those very personal questions on it with his Mom.  Nope, that wasn't the least bit awkward!  Beverly had her own questions for the doctor today, which is wonderful - she's thinking and asking questions instead of being too overwhelmed.  She had her weekly weigh in, and she'd lost a little weight - but on the order of ounces, not pounds, so that's ok too!

So all in all, another good couple of days!!!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Twofer Tuesday - September 9

Hi all, it's a special "Twofer Tuesday" edition of Bev's Blog today since you were shortchanged yesterday!

Beverly had a really great day yesterday - beginning with 10 straight hours of sleep Sunday night!  Then she and Kelly zoomed off to treatment, came home, Beverly puttered around happily for the afternoon, cooked supper, ate ice cream, watched tennis - doing things much more like herself!!!  Obviously we were all very excited for that update last night...and prayed it would continue today.

Which brings us to Tuesday - and Seth reports another great day is underway (at almost 3 in the afternoon).  He and Beverly zoomed off to treatment and then enjoyed a delicious lunch at IHOP where Bev ate an entire...wait for it...ONE POUND OMELET!!!  (She's gonna kill me for putting all these glorious details out in the public domain but we're excited!)  At this rate, the big weigh-in on Thursday ought to be a happy number that continues to head in the right direction - up!

Seth and Kelly have both commented on noticeable improvements in the last couple of days and you can imagine how very thankful, relieved, and excited we all are - and are so happy to get to share this wonderful progress with you!!!  Please do continue to keep Beverly in your thoughts and prayers, we covet them for her!  Please know that we are so very thankful for all of you who remember her daily, write comments, send cards, and call - all of the support has been amazing!

We'll keep you posted and hope for another wonderful update tomorrow!

Monday, September 8, 2014

Monday - September 8

It was a good weekend for Beverly - good times with her granddaughters and Seth and Kelly.  She ate well, rested well, got to watch soccer (live!) and tennis (on TV), football with Seth (go Falcons!), and got to be with Mya on her birthday. Couldn't ask for much more than that!

Today was back to Emory, and treatment went well and Bev and Kelly are on their way home now.  All is well!

Friday, September 5, 2014

Thursday, Friday, and the weekend

Beverly is all done with treatment for the week, hallelujah!  She's got 22 radiation treatments left to go!

Her appointment with Dr. McFavorite went well - she's put over a pound of weight back on, which we're all very excited about!!  Hopefully she can keep a good appetite and get lots of calories into that body.

She's off to Seth and Kelly's for the next week plus a few days - tomorrow is Mya's birthday party, so that should be lots of fun for everyone!

Hoping that she'll have a great weekend and next week with them, and then she'll be back in residence on Sunday the 14th and Ivy's coming then!  Yay!  Much to look forward to!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Wednesday's update - September 3

Busy day at Emory today for Beverly.  She had her usual radiation treatment, then got to go give some blood for lab work, and then got to have that breathing treatment to help prevent infection.  She said it really tasted *awful*, but it is the only time she has to do it so that's out of the way!

When she got home, she wasn't hungry, but did drink a Naked smoothie drink and then went upstairs to rest.  Was a bit restless and then realized she was hungry - so ate her lunch from yesterday (that she'd only eaten a few bites of) and then finished off some gelato and then started on some ice cream!  Chris and Jill report that she's finally believing them when they tell her she can eat whatever she wants!

Tomorrow is a normal radiation day followed by her weekly check up with Dr. McFavorite and a weigh-in.  We're hoping for an uptick on the number on the scale!

We'll keep you posted.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Tuesday's Update - September 2

Sorry to be so late with this today, but I've been on three different airplanes and one train today and am just getting online.

Beverly and Chris went to Emory for Radiation treatment #5 today.  5 down 25 to go!!!  On the way, Bev completed chemo dose #8, so she's got 34 of those to go - making progress!!!!  She continues to taper off the steroids, and as her dosage goes down so does her appetite, it seems, so everyone is pushing calories and we'll see what her weight is on Thursday when she sees Dr. McFavorite again.  We're counting on it at least staying the same, and maybe even going up!  That'd be amazing!

Tomorrow, she has her usual radiation treatment, then she gets to go to the lab for a routine round of blood work, and then she gets to go to respiratory services for a breathing treatment to help prevent an infection typical in patients on the chemo that Beverly is on.  This is nothing at all to be alarmed about, it is just part of the protocol for her treatment.  So tomorrow will be a long, busy day at Emory.

More to come!

Monday, September 1, 2014

Labor Day - September 1

Beverly and Chris got on the road shortly after 8 this morning and headed across south Georgia to Willacoochee where one of Bev's BFFs lives.  They got to Delaine's around 11 and had lunch and a good visit and were on the road again shortly before 1.  Beverly had a really good time seeing Delaine, and we're so thankful for the chance to get these two very dear friends together, even for a brief visit!

Look at these cuties!!!

Then it was off to home, and despite fairly heavy traffic, they made decent time and got home at about 4:15.  When they got home, Jill was on the John Deere mowing the grass - she'd had quite the adventure today getting the mower going, but get it going she did  - so that really thrilled Beverly! Jill had also fixed the tv that had just quit working at the end of last week, so that was also good.  Once they got the car unloaded and dinner plans figured out, Beverly announced that Kristen had said she could have real wine (she's been drinking 'alcohol removed wine'), so of course Chris and Jill had to say "no way, Jose - not on chemo!".  Of course, we all think it's hilarious that Little Miss Sneaky Pants decided to try that on poor unsuspecting siblings!  Ha!
Don't let the confusion fool you, kids, that mind is still working away! 
Back to treatment tomorrow for Radiation #5.  She finished her first full week of chemo today - so ONE WEEK DOWN, FIVE TO GO!!!!
More to come!

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Weekend Update - August 31

Hard to believe tomorrow is September, isn't it?  It was just spring a little while ago!

This weekend has been good, all in all.  After treatment on Friday, we headed south from Emory - Beverly, Chirp and me (Kristen).  Beverly was able to get a little nap in since we had strategically packed her pillows and blanket within easy reach in the car.  We had an uneventful ride home, made a quick stop in Kingsland, GA to see the river place where Chris and Kristen spend a fair amount of time (my parents have a cabin there that we've told Beverly about for years and years --kw.), and then we arrived safely in Jacksonville Beach, FL.

On Saturday morning, we all slept late, hung out late in our jammies, and barely had grown up clothes on when Pat and Aunt Dot got here for a quick visit.  For those of you who do not know Pat and Aunt Dot - Pat is Beverly's cousin and Aunt Dot is Beverly's mom's sister - and she just happens to be 94 years old.  (And she's no shrinking violet 94 year old either - she's got earrings that match her shoes, clothes that all look amazing on her, and  a sense of humor to beat all - so now we know where Beverly, Susan, and Pat get their Joie de vivre from!)  It was a fun, but quick [by necessity] visit - and Beverly was just thrilled that they came!  After they left, we commenced with the serious business of being extremely lazy.

This weekend, we've watched lots of tennis, floated in the pool just a little, eaten LOTS (doctor's orders, after all!!), and rested quite a bit too.  There have been some moments of anxiety but we've worked through those, and for the most part, Bev has been fairly relaxed.  She's worked several Sodukos and felt very good about that.  She has helped with food prep, bathed Chirp, and gone on one trip to Publix.  Other than that, we've been very, very low key.  Oh, and she knocked out two more doses of chemo!  Woohoo!!

Tomorrow (Monday) morning at 8, Chris and Beverly will head home and they have a very fun lunch date and visit planned with one of Beverly's dearest friends, Delaine, on the way.  Beverly is very excited to see Delaine and then is looking forward to getting home.  This week it will be Jill and Chris running man-on-man coverage until Friday when Beverly will go to Seth and Kelly's.

For those many of you who have offered to come by and bring food, or help take her back and forth to Emory, or to stay with her, or for the many many other very kind offers of assistance - please know that each and every offer is very appreciated, and that Beverly and the family are very touched by all of your kindnesses.  Please also know that the focus right this minute is on the next six (well 5 now) weeks, and that we are feeling our way through how to manage this whole situation.  We're learning as we go.  This is going to be a long haul effort with Beverly, and once the intense six weeks of daily trips to Emory are over, there's a lot of help that will be needed in terms of little visits, trips to Publix, little outings and so on.  It is very likely that she will not be driving for a very long time, so we would ask you to please be there for those moments when her kids can't be.  We'll work on figuring out how to manage that too, but we didn't want to not respond to all of you who have been so very, very kind.  So please bear with us as we figure out how to do this.

And with that, we'll post more tomorrow!

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Day Three - DONE! August 28

Sorry for the late post today, I got sidetracked on other things after we got home and just realized I hadn't let Beverly's adoring public know how she is today.  She had her third radiation treatment and chemo today and did fine.  After that, we got to see our favorite doctor and his resident.  The resident saw us first and that was a bit overwhelming for Beverly because there were many rapid fire questions, but she survived it.  After that, Dr. McFavorite saw her and answered several questions for us:
  1. Yes, she can go to Florida this weekend.  Yippee!!
  2. She can eat ANYTHING she wants...and get this - he wants her to try to have at least one milkshake a day made with the highest calorie ingredients possible (that is a dream diet for some of us!) because she's lost a little weight over the last month or so.
  3. The on-again, off-again confusion is part of the process and is likely to linger for a while...and she's doing a great job of managing it.
So, another day down!  39 chemos and 27 radiations to go!!!

Tomorrow we are leaving for Florida directly from Emory so there will probably not be a post until Saturday.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Day two DONE! August 27

It was off to Emory this morning, to the Winship for radiation.  A 90 minute drive followed by 10 minutes of treatment - so she's now down to 28 radiation treatments and 40 chemotherapy doses!!  Progress, progress!!

We then went out for a nice lunch and ate WAY too much chips and salsa and guacamole so we split an entree for lunch.  Then we waddled out to the car (well someone did and it wasn't Beverly!).  Then it was off to Costco and then home for naptime!

Today she's been more confused than yesterday, and it is really frustrating her because she knows she's confused.  We just keep talking through things and she seems reassured.  She was really much better after lunch and our little outing - more confident in things.  The nurse we talked to today indicated that this is to be expected - up and down days.

We see our favorite physician tomorrow so we'll see what he thinks about all this as well.  Her spirit is good, and her attitude is really positive - she's just annoyed that she's confused.

More tomorrow!

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Day one DONE! - August 26

One down!  After a very restless night, Bev and Kristen got on the road even earlier than recommended by locals - and were an hour early for the first appointment.  Fortunately, there was a great parking lot with lots of trees, so we reclined our seats, opened the sunroof, and listened to the wildlife wake up and watched it get light.  Not a bad way to start the day, all in all.

After a really involved questionnaire, Bev did her Guinea Pig scan and then headed over to Winship for her other appointments.  She met with our favorite doctor, confirmed timing and dosage of her chemo meds, then she got to do a cognitive neurology exam which was pretty involved, apparently, since she thought everyone ought to have to try to complete it!  Fortunately there wasn't time.  Then she took her first dose of chemo (41 to go!) and then she had two more really involved questionnaires to complete (these researchers get kinda personal!) and then it was time to go into Radiation.  While in the waiting room, a show came on HGTV that had a cute host and we decided to move spots so we could see better - and on our way, Bev tried to faceplant into a chair but caught herself just in time, thank God.  So then she got to go get checked out and they also called our favorite doctor, who personally wheeled Bev into her treatment room where she donned her custom mask (the one with her name on it!) and completed her first radiation treatment (29 to go!).

Meanwhile, the efficient folks at Emory stamped our valet parking ticket, scheduled the next six weeks of Radiation treatments - and we got the time slot Beverly really wanted - 11 a.m.!  That means avoiding traffic without having to leave at midnight!  Hooray!!!

So, after a reward trip to Trader Joe's and then Which Wich, we're home and it is seriously nap time!

Keep those prayers and good thoughts going!  Today went about as perfectly as we could have hoped - and that's no accident.  Please also keep the entire clan in mind so we can guard against stress causing very unneeded family issues.

More to come!

Monday, August 25, 2014

All systems go for treatment!

Our favorite doctor called today to check on Beverly (this is the one who "can't wait to get his hands on her") and confirmed everything for tomorrow morning.  She begins bright and early with her Guinea Pig scans and then goes for her pre-treatment final check and then she'll do her very first chemo dose and radiation treatment.

You know the drill - lots of prayers and good thoughts, please!

We'll update when we get home tomorrow night.

On the move! August 25

Beverly's on the move!  Yesterday (Sunday) evening, she came home with Kristen - after a stop at Publix, of course!  She was very glad to get home, ate a good supper, and went to bed and slept for 7.5 hours uninterrupted!

She got up this morning and was quite cheery - and the weather helped that outlook a bunch since it is in the 60s and sunny!  A bit of confusion after her meds but we think that might be related to taking them on an empty stomach - so we're going to try food first tomorrow.  Who knows?

Anyway, she's out in the garden chopping stuff down happily now and enjoying this beautiful day!  

More to come!

Saturday, August 23, 2014

A good night! - August 23

Reports are in that Beverly had a really good night last night, slept very well (one imagines how tired she must have been after a few nights in the hospital!), and was in wonderful spirits when she woke up today!  Hoping for a wonderful day at Seth and Kelly's with the girls and Jill!

Friday, August 22, 2014

She's going home! - August 22

Our favorite doctor came by today and said that he thinks the confusion, etc., is something called "Steroid Induced Psychosis".  They have started tapering her dosage down to try to help with this.  She had a good nap this afternoon and is feeling some better.  She is being discharged and is excited to be going home, let's hope that holds!

The plan for starting treatment on Tuesday remains on track, so as long as nothing changes she'll start the day bright and early with scans for the clinical trial, and then radiation.

Here's hoping for a restful weekend for the entire crew!

We'll update if anything interesting happens.  

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Update - August 21

Today's been a bit of a roller coaster.  The morning started well with Beverly asking Seth to bring her glasses, a book, some lotion, etc.   Very clear and not confused.  However, later in the day she was still worrying about things that aren't real, echoing some of her behavior from the emergency room night.

The doctor today thinks that the confusion, etc., might be caused by a combination of the various medications that she's on more than the UTI.  So he's trying some different meds to see how things go...

She will stay again tonight and we'll see if she can come home tomorrow.

Keep those good thought and prayers going, please!

More to come.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Update on hospital stay - August 20

Beverly, aka "Pincushion", is on the mend!  She had a good nap this afternoon and between that and a full dose of IV antibiotics, she's already feeling better!  Sounds tired, but like herself.  Lucent, has a sense of humor, knows exactly what is going on, asking about future plans, and so on!  She'll probably stay in the hospital through tomorrow just so they can be sure to well and truly zap this infection, and she said she's ok with that.  So, that's what we know for now.  Hoping for a very good night's rest for Beverly and Kelly especially, and for lots of healing prayers, thoughts, and so on to continue heading Beverly's way.

The comments that many of you have taken the time to write are very much appreciated!  I doubt we'll respond to them - it is about all we can do to keep the wheels on this bus, but please know we do read them and really, really appreciate them!

More tomorrow!   

Back in the hospital - August 20

Last night, Beverly and Kelly had the longest night ever.  Bev was really struggling with confusion and was worrying very much about things both real and imagined.  Kelly called the on-call folks at Emory and they encouraged her to take Beverly to the ED at Emory, which she did.

So after a long night of two CT scans, a chest xray, and Lord only knows how many lab tests, they have determined that this is all related to a Urinary Tract Infection and have admitted Beverly and have started her on IV antibiotics.  Kelly finally went home at about noon to try to get a shower and a nap before the girls get out of school, and Seth was at the hospital with Beverly trying to let her sleep.

Hopefully the antibiotics will kick in rapidly and start helping Beverly feel better very, very soon.  As frustrating as this is, we are very thankful that it wasn't something worse or something that required another surgery to in the scheme of things, we're thankful that it appears to 'only' be a UTI.

As an aside, the doctor did mention that some of this could be related to anxiety and stress too.  Please keep Beverly's whole family in your prayers so that we can try to manage the very natural stress related to all of this without making it worse for each other - and most especially Beverly.

More to come as we get updates.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Another Bunch of Emory Appointments - August 18

Seth, Kelly, Jill and Beverly got to take another trek to Emory today - lots of stuff happening! 

Beverly got the staples out of her head and the nurse said the incision looks great, so that's wonderful!  The nurse also gave them things to watch for to ensure continued healing.  Bev got her "mask" made today too - this will help stabilize her head during radiation to help focus the radiation to exactly the right place.

Bev starts radiation and chemo on TUESDAY, AUGUST 26!  Mark your calendars for praying, meditation, good strong positive thoughts, etc. for then!  That was the very earliest date that the doctors thought she might be able to begin after surgery and that would be based on her healing, so we are thrilled that it's a go for next Tuesday!!!  That means she's healing very well.  The Radiation Oncologist reportedly "can't wait to get his hands on her"...we'll chalk that up to clinical enthusiasm!

In addition, Beverly has agreed to participate in a clinical trial to try to help with better imaging for this type of treatment.  So, she's gonna be our very own Guinea Pig as part of her treatment and have a few additional scans going through this to try to help the doctors figure out better treatment for patients in the future.  We (the family) are pretty tickled that she's doing that - as usual, thinking of others first.  [Ed. note: it is not lost on me that I just called my mother-in-law a Guinea Pig.  Think about it though, my other option was Lab Rat.]

She'll have routine labs throughout the next six weeks, and a weekly appointment with the Radiation Oncologist.  Her mid-treatment and end-of-treatment appointments with the Neuro-Oncologist are on the books, so things are moving right along!

And - we'll keep you posted!

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Emory Appointment - August 14

Beverly, Susan, and Kelly made the trek today and met with the Radiation Oncologist (our favorite doctor!).  No real change from the last time they met with him, so that's good.  The plan will still be radiation 5 days a week for six weeks, and chemo every single day for 6 weeks.  Radiation and chemo will start sometime around August 27 - possibly even the week of Labor Day, we'll know more about the exact timing next week.

Next up - visit with Neuro Oncologist and staple removal on Monday afternoon.  That's something to look forward to for sure!

Meanwhile the plan remains to try to help Beverly rest and heal until treatment can start.  In the "It is hard to keep a good woman down" division, she's been spotted cleaning out kitchen cabinets at wee hours of the we think she's feeling pretty ok!

More to come as we know it!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Brief Update - August 13

We are so so sorry for not posting any updates lately - there hasn't been much to say, but we know many of you are wondering how things are...We'll do better in the future!

Beverly stayed with Seth and Kelly and the girls until Sunday, and they took her home when sister Susan got to town.  Since then, Susan and Bev have been spending good time together, Bev has painted some, walked for exercise some, and if we have to guess - probably not resting as much as she should be...hard to go from 90 miles an hour to lots of rest, we suppose...

Appointment with Radiation Oncologist on Thursday the 14th to make the new plan for radiation.  Then on Monday the 18th, appointment with the Neuro-Oncologist, as well as an appointment to get those staples out of her head!  So that's good progress.  We're still not sure exactly when radiation and chemo will begin, but we should know that in the next handful of days.

And we'll keep you posted!

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

She's been sprung!

Much to our delight and surprise, Beverly was discharged today!  She's really doing very well and will be convalescing with Seth, Kelly and the girls (and Chirp, of course) until Sunday when her sister Susan arrives to spend a week with her.  Kelly has already started working on the follow up appointments to get the radiation and chemo planning started!  Moving right along! 

We'd appreciate your continued prayers and good thoughts for Beverly.  The weeks of healing and treatment are going to be long ones, for sure.

More tomorrow!

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

First day post surgery

Reports are in from Emory.  Beverly is doing really well - eating well (salmon for dinner last night, an omelette for breakfast, a good salad for lunch)...she was up walking today and did great, even did some stairs!  She has been moved out of ICU to a regular room.  So, all in all a very good day!  The nurses did warn them that tomorrow she might not be quite as bouncy, but that's normal.  She had another MRI today so we are hoping that will give us an indication of what percentage of the tumor they were able to remove and that sort of information...

So, we'll know more tomorrow.  Thanks again for all the words of support!  You're all part of Team Beverly, and we appreciate all the prayers, encouragement, offers of help and so on!

We'll keep you posted!

Monday, August 4, 2014

Talking and wiggling her fingers and toes!

So after a little bit of a game of "Where's Waldo?" with Beverly starring in the role of Waldo, Jill and Chris finally found her safely tucked in her bed in her ICU room.  She is talking fine and wiggling all her fingers and toes, able to do the finger tapping tests, all that good stuff!  Those functions were the most likely to have been impacted by this surgery, so it is really wonderful - and the answer to lots of people's prayers - THANK YOU ALL!!!

Last post for today unless something really interesting happens.

Thanks everybody!

Awake, but groggy, and going to her room

Jill has been able to see her mom and reports that Beverly is awake and aware but woozy and tired.  She'll be in a room in just a little while (ICU, which was the plan all along so do not be alarmed) so we're not sure how much her family will get to visit with her today but that's ok, she probably just needs to sleep.  Jill and Chris probably could use a nap right about now too, but as we were just chatting - today is a very good day!

More later.

She's out of surgery!

Just heard that the surgery is over and she's in recovery now!  The surgeon said everything went well.  They started at 8:15 and just got done, so about two hours start to finish!  She'll be in recovery for 1 1/2 to 2 hours before she goes to a room.

They got to Emory before 5:30 this morning and she was in good spirits - said for her "light meal  before surgery" last night, she had a steak!  Thatta girl!  

We'll keep you posted!

Friday, August 1, 2014

Surgery on Monday!

Alright everyone, Monday is the day!

Bev goes for surgery bright and early at Emory on Monday morning.  She'll be in the hospital for several days after, and then she'll go home to begin her convalescence before starting radiation and chemo in about 3 to 4 weeks.

So please, please say lots of prayers, send lots of good thoughts to Atlanta, and keep Beverly close in your heart during this time.  We want great outcomes!

 We'll keep you posted.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Surgery is an option! - July 29

Today was a scheduled appointment for radiation planning in case surgery wasn't an option.  We hadn't gotten the results of last Friday's functional MRI (fMRI) so off Bev and Kelly went to Emory this morning.  Good thing they did, too!  Since they were already there, they took the opportunity to ask about the fMRI and results, etc., and since our intrepid patient and her escort did that, they got to see the surgeon to find out that YES, surgery is an option!

Risks, benefits, recovery time, next steps - all were reviewed today and Bev has decided to go for it.  Surgery will be next week sometime, the rest of this week will be spent doing preop testing and generally getting things planned out for surgery and convalescence.  She'll definitely stay in the hospital for a few days after and then come home with lots of TLC and man-on-man coverage.  A few weeks after that, the prep will start for radiation and chemo, and she'll go from there.

We're excited that it is going to happen, and we're eager for great outcomes, and to be able to get to the next step in this journey!

Once we have the specific date and time, we'll let everyone know so you can fire up your prayer chains, think majorly good thoughts, and cross your fingers and toes just for extra effect.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

The First Emory Visit - July 22

We'll start here:  Today was a very good day.  We had an amazing experience at Emory today, and that's good cause Bev's gonna be spending a lot of time there for the next few months!

We started with the visit to the Neurology Oncologist.  (After a walking tour of the Emory Clinic, we finally found the right place but that happened more than once today, so we're kinda used to it at this point!).  First hint that this is the right place for Bev - when they called her name, and all 6 of us stood up to go into to the appointment, they didn't even flinch.  They're used to large groups, apparently.  We prefer the term "posse" in case you're interested.

This physician confirmed much of what we already knew - the type of cancer, the treatment options, and so on.  He also very patiently answered our many questions and described how the treatment will work.  He talked with us about nutrition, supplements, driving restrictions - on and on. He helped us all decide that aggressive chemo and radiation is the only option for this (the survival rates without treatment are really awful). Then he went and got the Neuro Oncology Surgeon to come visit with us - and as it turns out, they believe that there is a possibility of doing surgery to remove a large part of the tumor.  So here's the rundown...

This coming Friday, Bev will do a Functional MRI.  This will help them decide if the tumor is fully involved in the part of her brain that controls speech, language processing, and her ability to paint (they said her right hand but we all know that means her painting hand).  The Functional MRI will involve Bev having to read, count, move her fingers and all sorts of stuff while they're watching her brain light up.  

Early next week, she'll get the results from this MRI.  There are two possible outcomes:

1.  Surgery IS an option: if this is the case, then after she gets the results, surgery will be scheduled as quickly as possible.  After surgery, she would have to heal for 4 weeks before starting radiation and chemo.

2.  Surgery IS NOT an option:  if this is the case, then on Tuesday, Bev will go for her "Planning Session" to get her markers placed for radiation.  She also gets her very own custom mask thing that will help hold her head in the same position every session of radiation.  The following week, she'll start the radiation and chemo.

Radiation and chemo will go like this:
The chemotherapy is an oral drug that she will take every day for 6 weeks (42 days).  The side effects are mild, and rumor has it, she'll even be keeping her hair!  Yippee!!!!  Radiation will be 5 days a week for 6 weeks at Emory Hospital.  Each appointment will take about 30 minutes, so her commute back and forth each day will take about 4 times as long as the actual appointment.  But that's ok, she gets free valet parking while she's doing radiation!!!  (It's the little things, don'tcha know?).

The Radiation Oncologist spent at least an hour with all of us today, and he won the prize for Beverly's favorite doctor so far.  He was very dear, and very kind, and made us all feel much better about the road ahead.  He talked through every little detail of all of this until we could understand it, and that meant a tremendous amount to the whole family.

SO.  Lots of info, lots to process, there are a million details not included here because it would take a week to write it all down and we're trying to get something out so that Beverly's adoring public can see how today went.

Next stop - Functional MRI, Friday!!  We'll keep you posted!

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Emory Next Tuesday!

After much persistence, Kelly got Bev scheduled at Emory with a great doctor there at 9 on Tuesday!  We're very excited to have the appointment and are eager to hear what he  has to say.  This particular physician is also a very big researcher on this kind of cancer, so that's exciting too.

So, Tuesday 9 a.m. Eastern - channel all your prayers and good thoughts and anything else you can think of to Beverly's doctor's office at Emory...

...and we'll keep you posted.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Doctor Visit and update - July 15

This morning, Bev went back to the doctor to get the staples from the biopsy removed.  Seth and Sue accompanied her.  The doctor was pleased with how good Bev looks (we all know she's a cutie!) and has reduced some of her medications based on such good progress.  So, she no longer looks like she belongs in the Road Warrior movies!

We continue to wait (trying to be patient) for the referral to Emory.  Kelly is on it, so we're pretty sure it will happen post haste.  And when it does, we'll update here.

Please keep those prayers and good thoughts going!

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

The Beginning of Bev's Battle, and Blog

This is how we'll provide updates on Bev's diagnosis and treatment.  This way, we can keep everyone up-to-date and not miss people as we try to call multiple folks every day with news.  Check back often, and we'll keep you posted.

Now for today's news. 

This morning, Bev was diagnosed with a very aggressive form of cancer in her brain.  It is in an area that makes it impossible to surgically remove it.  Over the next days, she'll be reviewing treatment options with a radiation oncologist, oncologist, neurologist, and her family.  And then she'll have some decisions to make on what path to choose.

What can you do for her?  Well, you can pray for her to have the best doctors *ever*, the best outcomes possible, and to keep her chin up through it all.  You can send her good thoughts and well wishes!  You can check back here for regular updates and leave comments for her to read while she convalesces.  You can be in her corner as she takes on this fight!

We'll keep you posted.