Monday, August 18, 2014

Another Bunch of Emory Appointments - August 18

Seth, Kelly, Jill and Beverly got to take another trek to Emory today - lots of stuff happening! 

Beverly got the staples out of her head and the nurse said the incision looks great, so that's wonderful!  The nurse also gave them things to watch for to ensure continued healing.  Bev got her "mask" made today too - this will help stabilize her head during radiation to help focus the radiation to exactly the right place.

Bev starts radiation and chemo on TUESDAY, AUGUST 26!  Mark your calendars for praying, meditation, good strong positive thoughts, etc. for then!  That was the very earliest date that the doctors thought she might be able to begin after surgery and that would be based on her healing, so we are thrilled that it's a go for next Tuesday!!!  That means she's healing very well.  The Radiation Oncologist reportedly "can't wait to get his hands on her"...we'll chalk that up to clinical enthusiasm!

In addition, Beverly has agreed to participate in a clinical trial to try to help with better imaging for this type of treatment.  So, she's gonna be our very own Guinea Pig as part of her treatment and have a few additional scans going through this to try to help the doctors figure out better treatment for patients in the future.  We (the family) are pretty tickled that she's doing that - as usual, thinking of others first.  [Ed. note: it is not lost on me that I just called my mother-in-law a Guinea Pig.  Think about it though, my other option was Lab Rat.]

She'll have routine labs throughout the next six weeks, and a weekly appointment with the Radiation Oncologist.  Her mid-treatment and end-of-treatment appointments with the Neuro-Oncologist are on the books, so things are moving right along!

And - we'll keep you posted!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah for Beverly!! So, the doc "can't wait to get his hands on her?" Well, I don't blame him for many reasons!! Being a Guinea Pig is soooo much nicer than Lab Rat...way to go daughter-in-law! ;)
    Beverly, keep up the terrific work!! Aunt Dot and I are there everyday with you in thought and spirit. Tons of love and lots of hugs, Pat
