Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Back in the hospital - August 20

Last night, Beverly and Kelly had the longest night ever.  Bev was really struggling with confusion and was worrying very much about things both real and imagined.  Kelly called the on-call folks at Emory and they encouraged her to take Beverly to the ED at Emory, which she did.

So after a long night of two CT scans, a chest xray, and Lord only knows how many lab tests, they have determined that this is all related to a Urinary Tract Infection and have admitted Beverly and have started her on IV antibiotics.  Kelly finally went home at about noon to try to get a shower and a nap before the girls get out of school, and Seth was at the hospital with Beverly trying to let her sleep.

Hopefully the antibiotics will kick in rapidly and start helping Beverly feel better very, very soon.  As frustrating as this is, we are very thankful that it wasn't something worse or something that required another surgery to in the scheme of things, we're thankful that it appears to 'only' be a UTI.

As an aside, the doctor did mention that some of this could be related to anxiety and stress too.  Please keep Beverly's whole family in your prayers so that we can try to manage the very natural stress related to all of this without making it worse for each other - and most especially Beverly.

More to come as we get updates.

1 comment:

  1. Beverly, I hope the antibiotics make you feel better soon. You are in my thoughts and prayers daily. Stay strong.
