Ahh, Friday!
As of this moment, Beverly has one full week plus two days of treatment left! Amazing, isn't it?! Been a long haul - but our Beverly has been a real trouper throughout - keeping her chin up, a positive attitude, and even when things weren't going really great, she hung in there through it. And so, everyone else takes their cues from her and well, this hurdle of daily treks to Emory is almost behind her and we're all very glad!
Recap of the week -
So Jill and Susan have been there this week, and that's been good for Beverly - she's enjoyed it, we're sure! Let's see, what are the medical updates for the week?
The droopy left foot:
Beverly saw the neurologist and did bunches of tests on that droopy left foot on Wednesday. It is not related to the tumor. Beverly will be doing some physical therapy to try to build up some strength in that foot - but after her appointments, she was adamant that we should all understand how bad it is to sit on your foot (or feet), and to cross your legs. So, pay attention - when you're sitting watching TV, do you have a foot tucked underneath you? When you're at work, are you crossing your legs? All that is really bad for your peripheral nerves. Don't sit on your feet or cross your legs! (Here ends the public service announcement!)
The visit with the nutritionist:
Beverly just really is not enjoying the taste of meat right now, and she lost a little more weight this week, so they met with a dietician. She was given great ideas about how to boost protein and calories without meat being a factor, so that was good. Knowing that this lack of appetite or food tasting good thing should be temporary, for now, Beverly can supplement with high-calorie protein bars, nutrition supplements, and so on. So that was a good visit.
The weekly visit with Dr. McFavorite:
Here's where it really gets good. Ready? The Guinea Pig scan from last week shows that the tumor has DECREASED IN SIZE. Slight decrease, but it is a DECREASE!!!!! Now I know this brings a question or two - the first probably being "but I thought they got the tumor when they did surgery?". They got a lot of the tumor when they did surgery, but as this type of cancer (glioblastoma) doesn't have nice, clear margins, it is impossible to remove it all surgically. So, even after surgery there was some left - and that "some" has reduced in size so far through her treatment!!!!
***This is where we all break into our happy dances, or whoops of joy, or prayers of thanksgiving, or lighting of candles or all of the above!! But folks, this is a big deal and it is a great step!!!***
So, that's the news of the weird, er - world, for this week! Susan heads home tomorrow, and Jill will be there for the weekend and for the Emory treks on Monday and Tuesday. Kristen will drive up on Tuesday and drive the treks Wednesday through Friday. After that, Beverly will only have two more routine days at Emory for radiation, and then she'll go into maintenance mode. She'll be able to do her PT closer to home too, so that is good news!
Driving to PT appointments will be a place where we could use help from all you faithful friends out there who are asking how you can help. Since she can do it much closer to home, it won't involve the same time commitment as the Emory treks have required. Once we get the details on where and when, we'll send out the call for help!
Happy Weekend Everybody!!! Keep those good thoughts and prayers going, please!!
Hi Beverly and family and friends,
ReplyDeleteI have been away for a couple of weeks but it sounds like things are going as expected. Great news about the reduced size of the tumor. I will be more than happy to take Beverly to some treatments. My cell number is: 404-210-3395. Keep up the good work Bev and eat that ice cream. Love you, Hilda