Thursday, August 14, 2014

Emory Appointment - August 14

Beverly, Susan, and Kelly made the trek today and met with the Radiation Oncologist (our favorite doctor!).  No real change from the last time they met with him, so that's good.  The plan will still be radiation 5 days a week for six weeks, and chemo every single day for 6 weeks.  Radiation and chemo will start sometime around August 27 - possibly even the week of Labor Day, we'll know more about the exact timing next week.

Next up - visit with Neuro Oncologist and staple removal on Monday afternoon.  That's something to look forward to for sure!

Meanwhile the plan remains to try to help Beverly rest and heal until treatment can start.  In the "It is hard to keep a good woman down" division, she's been spotted cleaning out kitchen cabinets at wee hours of the we think she's feeling pretty ok!

More to come as we know it!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for update on Beverly!! Sounds like plans are in place to get this very special lady in our lives healed!!

    Cleaning out cabinets!*??!!**?? Beverly, you are suppose to be resting!! (Could you come south to Florida and clean out my cabinets???? :) Love you, Pat
