Sunday, July 19, 2015

The Year In Review - July 19, 2015

It is so hard to believe that this time last year, Beverly was just being diagnosed and seeking treatment options.  

Fast forward one year - she had surgery, six weeks of daily radiation, six weeks of chemo, a zillion trips to Emory, who knows how many scans and blood tests, chemo once a month since then, a loss of appetite and some weight, a loss of driving privileges, and a loss of some of her hair...

On the rebound, though, her appetite is back, she's put on a little bit of weight, she can drive around locally (the day she got her privileges back, Kelly reported Beverly was just like a 16 year old getting her license!), and her hair has grown back and it is curly!  Super cute!  She's gardening, painting, doing Sudokos and playing some funny game on her phone.  She's hanging out with Jill watching old movies and laughing, she's making travel plans to exotic places (Florida and the Dominican Republic - you decide which is more exotic!) other words, she's doing great all around!

It's been a terribly hard year in some ways, but truly remarkable in some ways too.  The good has definitely outweighed the bad.  Through it all, though, Beverly has been a shining example of the power of positive thinking, faith that things will be alright, and an abiding love of life.  We could all learn a thing or two from that powerhouse of a brave lady!

Until the next update, enjoy every single moment - each one is precious.  Hug the ones you love every chance you get!

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Happy New Year and a New Update too! - January 6

Well, it's been two months since the last update - which - falling into the "no news is good news camp" should give you an indication of how things have been going.

Beverly and her family spent a good week over Thanksgiving together in Edisto Island, South Carolina.  They rented a house on the beach and just relaxed, ate, played in the sand, rode bikes, and generally enjoyed their time together.  She enjoyed a good birthday at the end of the month, and then the whirlwind of Christmas and the New Year where she spent time with the girls and really enjoyed presents and princess movies with them!

On January 6, she had another return visit - and this was the first one where we'd get an indication of how treatment is going.  Well, it's going VERY well!!!!  The tumor is not growing - it is stable, which means the chemo is doing its job as the radiation did its job last fall!!!!!!!  HOORAY!!!!  So that means round three of chemo starts next week - only 5 days and only pills, so no fun rush hour drives to Emory.  We're all pretty darned happy about this news!!

Bev has exercised her rights as an adult and has stayed by herself a night or two here and there, and has really, really loved that.  Her independent streak is alive and well, if anyone was in doubt about that.  She's definitely eating better too, so maybe even going to put some weight back on!

Next update when something interesting happens.  Thanks for all the ongoing prayers, phone calls, and support!!

Friday, November 7, 2014

Doctor Appointment Update - November 7

Bev had a couple of appointments yesterday to check in with the Oncologist and the Radiation Oncologist.  There were two very best parts of the appointments- first is that the first scan after radiation is showing no progression in the size of the tumor, and second is that the tumor is "methylated".

The lack of progression means that the tumor has NOT grown during the treatment - which is WONDERFUL news!  It also means that we should really see an improvement over the next few weeks in some of Beverly's symptoms especially in the language department.  This will likely happen because the swelling caused by the radiation should go down and since the tumor hasn't grown, the combination of those two things will help symptoms improve.  So, we wait.

The "methylated" word is also good news because only 40% of brain tumors are methylated - but those types of tumors respond better to the chemotherapy.  So, for once, we're happy with a below average number when it comes to this tumor business for Beverly.

Her appetite continues to improve as well.  She ate an entire grilled cheese and spinach sandwich yesterday.  She also ate some chicken and some salad, and it all tasted good to her!  She is SO excited to be getting her foodie instincts back!!!

She is losing some of her hair due to the radiation, so Kelly has done some artful trimming so that Bev isn't running around with a mullet and she took Bev shopping for some knit caps too.  We didn't think this was going to happen as much as it has, but they said it will grow back - it's just another side effect of the radiation, much like the taste buds going on strike was.

She is in residence at Seth and Kelly's and will go to some soccer games with the girls tomorrow, and then Sister Liz is coming to stay with her for the remainder of the weekend.  Next week, she will have 5 days of the chemotherapy meds - which has been part of the plan all along (if the first post-radiation scan showed no progression of the tumor), and if all continues, she will do 5 days of chemo each month.

So, she's delighted with the news from yesterday - as we all are.  Please keep those prayers and good thoughts coming!!!

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Some tasty news! - November 2

Beverly reports that her tastebuds are on their way back! Hallelujah!!!!!!

Tuesday of last week she had a grilled havarti cheese sandwich that she enjoyed.  We were very cautiously optimistic at that news - but the fact that something containing cheese even appealed to her was a HUGE step!!!  She made her favorite soup last night (the loss of appetite for this soup was a major blow when that happened), and even though it didn't taste exactly right last night, she still enjoyed it!  Interestingly, she reports that her headaches haven't been bothering her lately too.  Nothing like food when you're hungry!  She's very encouraged at this progress, and you can imagine that we all are - and we thank you for your continued encouragement and prayers and good thoughts and on and on!

Sister Susan just spent a whole week with Bev "getting things done that needed to be done" (Beverly's words) so one can only imagine that that means.  Those sisters get together, and, well... :-)

OK that's about all for now, but we wanted to pass along the tasty news so you can rejoice with us and keep those good thoughts coming and prayers lifted!

More updates when something interesting happens, or after her appointments late this week.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Two weeks later - October 21

So, it's been two weeks since Beverly finished her treatment!  What's happened in that time?  Not much, honestly.  Which is good.  Boring is good at this point.  

She's been at home with various people being with her - Jill, sister Liz, BFF Caroline, Chris, and sister Sue next week.  She continues to enjoy having people with her all the time...well, maybe not so much, but since the doctors say it is necessary, she's being a good sport about it.

Meanwhile, her appetite isn't much better, although she's decided that buttery eggs taste pretty good.  She mentioned this morning that she might try buttery noodles later today.  She has also decided that the $1 fountain cokes from Mickey D's are one of the best things ever - thanks to Jill for introducing her to that delicacy!  And heck, it's calories, so why not?

Bev also had a follow up appointment with her Oncologist last week.  Nothing terribly exciting there, more of same with trying to get calories in, resting enough, and so on.

So, for now, things are kinda hanging steady.  The first couple of weeks of November will be a little busier in the news division cause she has scans and labs and appointments.

Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers, especially that food will start to be appealing again.  She's so tired of not wanting to eat, and for someone who enjoys cooking and loves to eat, this is really hard on her.  Please also keep her family in your prayers, especially that the on-going stress of all of this won't cause hurt and issues with relationships that cannot be recovered from.

We'll post again in the next week or two unless something really interesting happens before then.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

LAST DAY OF TREATMENT!!!!!! - October 7

She did it!  30 trips to Emory for radiation and 42 doses of chemo later, she's done with that brutal 6 weeks!!  HOORAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If a picture is worth a thousand words, a video is worth even more.  Enjoy!!!  (You're gonna have to tilt your head to watch it - can't figure out how to get it oriented correctly!)


Thursday, October 2, 2014

Three to go! - October 2

Twenty seven down, three to go.  Yessss!!!!

Had the weekly visit with Dr. McFavorite today - won't see him for a whole month now!  He said if all Beverly wants to eat is ensure, ice cream, and peanut butter - well, so be it! The goal is to get at least 1100 calories into that body and we don't much care how they get there just so long as they do.  Well, Beverly was most relieved and delighted to hear that and let me know that I can quit trying to find foods that she'll eat - she'll do just fine on her shakes and peanut butter, thankyouverymuch. :-)  He did say that within just a few weeks after radiation ends, her taste buds will start coming back and they will get better and better pretty quickly after that.  So, milkshakes it is!

He also discussed the fatigue that she can expect to experience for the next few weeks.  He wants her to rest, but he does not want her to just stay in bed - his words were "you just have to stay active and push through this until it starts getting better".  She took those words to heart - as soon as we got home, she took her milkshake and went for a nice walk around her property.  Hopefully the Africa hot weather has subsided for the year and it won't be so miserable outside so she can get out a wee bit more and move around!

On the way home from Emory, Beverly treated herself to an iPod and tonight we're going to load it up with books and music for her listening pleasure.  (Now is when you picture Beverly rockin' out with her earbuds in!)

So, that's the news for today - all good, all in order, and all moving in the right direction!!