Sunday, August 31, 2014

Weekend Update - August 31

Hard to believe tomorrow is September, isn't it?  It was just spring a little while ago!

This weekend has been good, all in all.  After treatment on Friday, we headed south from Emory - Beverly, Chirp and me (Kristen).  Beverly was able to get a little nap in since we had strategically packed her pillows and blanket within easy reach in the car.  We had an uneventful ride home, made a quick stop in Kingsland, GA to see the river place where Chris and Kristen spend a fair amount of time (my parents have a cabin there that we've told Beverly about for years and years --kw.), and then we arrived safely in Jacksonville Beach, FL.

On Saturday morning, we all slept late, hung out late in our jammies, and barely had grown up clothes on when Pat and Aunt Dot got here for a quick visit.  For those of you who do not know Pat and Aunt Dot - Pat is Beverly's cousin and Aunt Dot is Beverly's mom's sister - and she just happens to be 94 years old.  (And she's no shrinking violet 94 year old either - she's got earrings that match her shoes, clothes that all look amazing on her, and  a sense of humor to beat all - so now we know where Beverly, Susan, and Pat get their Joie de vivre from!)  It was a fun, but quick [by necessity] visit - and Beverly was just thrilled that they came!  After they left, we commenced with the serious business of being extremely lazy.

This weekend, we've watched lots of tennis, floated in the pool just a little, eaten LOTS (doctor's orders, after all!!), and rested quite a bit too.  There have been some moments of anxiety but we've worked through those, and for the most part, Bev has been fairly relaxed.  She's worked several Sodukos and felt very good about that.  She has helped with food prep, bathed Chirp, and gone on one trip to Publix.  Other than that, we've been very, very low key.  Oh, and she knocked out two more doses of chemo!  Woohoo!!

Tomorrow (Monday) morning at 8, Chris and Beverly will head home and they have a very fun lunch date and visit planned with one of Beverly's dearest friends, Delaine, on the way.  Beverly is very excited to see Delaine and then is looking forward to getting home.  This week it will be Jill and Chris running man-on-man coverage until Friday when Beverly will go to Seth and Kelly's.

For those many of you who have offered to come by and bring food, or help take her back and forth to Emory, or to stay with her, or for the many many other very kind offers of assistance - please know that each and every offer is very appreciated, and that Beverly and the family are very touched by all of your kindnesses.  Please also know that the focus right this minute is on the next six (well 5 now) weeks, and that we are feeling our way through how to manage this whole situation.  We're learning as we go.  This is going to be a long haul effort with Beverly, and once the intense six weeks of daily trips to Emory are over, there's a lot of help that will be needed in terms of little visits, trips to Publix, little outings and so on.  It is very likely that she will not be driving for a very long time, so we would ask you to please be there for those moments when her kids can't be.  We'll work on figuring out how to manage that too, but we didn't want to not respond to all of you who have been so very, very kind.  So please bear with us as we figure out how to do this.

And with that, we'll post more tomorrow!

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