Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Two weeks later - October 21

So, it's been two weeks since Beverly finished her treatment!  What's happened in that time?  Not much, honestly.  Which is good.  Boring is good at this point.  

She's been at home with various people being with her - Jill, sister Liz, BFF Caroline, Chris, and sister Sue next week.  She continues to enjoy having people with her all the time...well, maybe not so much, but since the doctors say it is necessary, she's being a good sport about it.

Meanwhile, her appetite isn't much better, although she's decided that buttery eggs taste pretty good.  She mentioned this morning that she might try buttery noodles later today.  She has also decided that the $1 fountain cokes from Mickey D's are one of the best things ever - thanks to Jill for introducing her to that delicacy!  And heck, it's calories, so why not?

Bev also had a follow up appointment with her Oncologist last week.  Nothing terribly exciting there, more of same with trying to get calories in, resting enough, and so on.

So, for now, things are kinda hanging steady.  The first couple of weeks of November will be a little busier in the news division cause she has scans and labs and appointments.

Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers, especially that food will start to be appealing again.  She's so tired of not wanting to eat, and for someone who enjoys cooking and loves to eat, this is really hard on her.  Please also keep her family in your prayers, especially that the on-going stress of all of this won't cause hurt and issues with relationships that cannot be recovered from.

We'll post again in the next week or two unless something really interesting happens before then.

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