Thursday, September 11, 2014

And Twofer Thursday - September 11

Two more treatments completed!  That brings the count of Radiation treatments down to 18 (almost halfway done!!) so that's great!

Beverly had another really good day on Wednesday, complete with a radiation treatment and a weekly trip to the Lab for bloodwork.

Today, Beverly had another of her Guinea Pig scans, then radiation, and then her weekly visit with Dr. McFavorite.  Seth really enjoyed reading the research questionnaire with all those very personal questions on it with his Mom.  Nope, that wasn't the least bit awkward!  Beverly had her own questions for the doctor today, which is wonderful - she's thinking and asking questions instead of being too overwhelmed.  She had her weekly weigh in, and she'd lost a little weight - but on the order of ounces, not pounds, so that's ok too!

So all in all, another good couple of days!!!

1 comment:

  1. Grrreat to hear Beverly has had a "good couple of days!!!!"
    Glad to hear Beverly had her "own questions!!" :)
    I reeeeeally must find out what some of those personal questions were on the questionnaire. Seth, I just may be bugging you...after I bug Beverly about that! ;)
    Kristen, thank you sooooo much for these updates on our "most favorite gal in the world." Love everyone, Pat
