Thursday, September 18, 2014

Thursday's update - September 18

Today was a long day of appointments.  Beverly, Ivy, and Chris zoomed off to Emory this morning and learned upon arrival that the Oncologists and their crews had been to a conference this week, so there was a backlog of patients to be seen.  Never mind, it's to be expected!  So Beverly did her "officially past half way" radiation treatment, and then the Three Amigos sat in the waiting room waiting to see Dr. McFavorite for quite some time.  But see him they did, plus his nurse practitioner, and this is what we know:

1.  Bev lost almost two full pounds in the last week.  The directive is "calories, calories, calories".  So we think ice cream at every meal, with some butter on top, is what needs to happen!  Seriously though, many things just don't taste good to Bev - things that she loves so much - and the doctor said today that is normal while undergoing radiation and to expect that to last 6-ish weeks after the treatments are complete.  So, we need to push calories as much as possible without worrying about if it is healthy or not at this point.

2.  She's responding well to the treatment!  The good doctor was pleased today, and those with her this week have reported better responses, so we are claiming and trusting that the treatment is having the desired effect!!!

So, tomorrow, Chris will zoom off to Emory with Ivy and Beverly in the chase car behind him.  Once he gets them delivered safely to treatment, he'll head home to Jacksonville and Ivy will drive Beverly home.  Jill will be there tomorrow night too, and rumor has it that Sister Susan arrives Saturday.

Another week down, y'all!  Please keep those good thoughts, prayers, cards, calls, letters, well wishes coming!  Beverly (and all the family) are buoyed by the outpouring of caring on Bev's behalf!!!

And...we'll keep you posted! 

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