Sunday, September 14, 2014

Weekend Update - September 14

Quick update on the weekend - Seth brought Beverly home Friday afternoon and she's been there with Jill this weekend.  Sounds like they've had a good time, I heard Beverly was sweeping yesterday before they went to go pick out some fabric for some cushion re-covering, and today she went to watch Jill play a tennis match - that turned into a four hour match that Jill and her tennis partner lost.  Boo!!! We wanted Jill to win!  But Bev said it was a good match and that she enjoyed it.

Ivy is on her way today, Jill is taking Beverly to her treatment Monday, Chris will be there Monday afternoon to manage the driving for the rest of the week, so our Beverly has a full week ahead!  She reaches the halfway point in her chemo and radiation this coming week as well, so that's an exciting milestone!

Please keep those wonderful good thoughts and prayers going!!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah Beverly...reaching "the halfway point!" That's great!!!
    So glad Jill and Beverly had a good weekend together. Who is re-covering the cushions?
    I need to learn how to do that?...NOT!! ;)
    Sounds like Beverly will be in good hands with this week with Ivy & Chris!! :)
    We are with you in spirit...positive thoughts...and prayers...Beverly Wende! And, we love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Aunt Dot & Pat
