Friday, September 5, 2014

Thursday, Friday, and the weekend

Beverly is all done with treatment for the week, hallelujah!  She's got 22 radiation treatments left to go!

Her appointment with Dr. McFavorite went well - she's put over a pound of weight back on, which we're all very excited about!!  Hopefully she can keep a good appetite and get lots of calories into that body.

She's off to Seth and Kelly's for the next week plus a few days - tomorrow is Mya's birthday party, so that should be lots of fun for everyone!

Hoping that she'll have a great weekend and next week with them, and then she'll be back in residence on Sunday the 14th and Ivy's coming then!  Yay!  Much to look forward to!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Trying to get back on Blog comments...this is a test.
