Sorry to be so late with this today, but I've been on three different airplanes and one train today and am just getting online.
Beverly and Chris went to Emory for Radiation treatment #5 today. 5 down 25 to go!!! On the way, Bev completed chemo dose #8, so she's got 34 of those to go - making progress!!!! She continues to taper off the steroids, and as her dosage goes down so does her appetite, it seems, so everyone is pushing calories and we'll see what her weight is on Thursday when she sees Dr. McFavorite again. We're counting on it at least staying the same, and maybe even going up! That'd be amazing!
Tomorrow, she has her usual radiation treatment, then she gets to go to the lab for a routine round of blood work, and then she gets to go to respiratory services for a breathing treatment to help prevent an infection typical in patients on the chemo that Beverly is on. This is nothing at all to be alarmed about, it is just part of the protocol for her treatment. So tomorrow will be a long, busy day at Emory.
More to come!
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