Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Holy Cow! It's October!

Boy did October sneak up on some of us!!  It's hard to believe that it is well and truly fall already...again...But, October it is and it is a beautiful time of year and life is good!

Beverly has FOUR treatments left - can you believe it?  6 weeks seemed like SUCH a long time when this all started and now she's four trips to Emory away from being finished.  She's pretty excited about that, and looking forward to ringing the bell!  (When patients finish their course of radiation treatments, there is a brass bell that they ring on their way out the door for the last time and everyone - and I do mean everyone - stops what they are doing and applauds and cheers.  It's pretty moving, and quite festive.  So Bev is looking forward to her turn to ring that bell!)

In the meantime, her appetite is really bad.  She's pretty much down to bananas and ice cream in terms of things that taste good to her, and this morning, the banana didn't even taste good to her but she got it down.  She has a bit of a nagging headache, which abated today after she had a smoothie, so our current working theory is that she's hungry.  So.  Gonna try to get her to eat some butternut squash soup later today...maybe some boiled potatoes and butter...and if all else fails, we're gonna have a yummy milkshake made with Ensure, Ice cream, a supplement or two, some caramel - and we might just throw some butter in there for good measure!  (I'm kidding about the butter. Sort of.)

She's now resting on the couch test driving an iPod to see if listening to audio-books is something she would like to do for relaxation since reading is really hard right now. She is in amazing spirits, she's like herself (as opposed to her confused self of a month ago), and it is really, really wonderful to see!!!

Pray for her to get her tastebuds back soon, please!

We'll keep you posted!

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