Monday, September 1, 2014

Labor Day - September 1

Beverly and Chris got on the road shortly after 8 this morning and headed across south Georgia to Willacoochee where one of Bev's BFFs lives.  They got to Delaine's around 11 and had lunch and a good visit and were on the road again shortly before 1.  Beverly had a really good time seeing Delaine, and we're so thankful for the chance to get these two very dear friends together, even for a brief visit!

Look at these cuties!!!

Then it was off to home, and despite fairly heavy traffic, they made decent time and got home at about 4:15.  When they got home, Jill was on the John Deere mowing the grass - she'd had quite the adventure today getting the mower going, but get it going she did  - so that really thrilled Beverly! Jill had also fixed the tv that had just quit working at the end of last week, so that was also good.  Once they got the car unloaded and dinner plans figured out, Beverly announced that Kristen had said she could have real wine (she's been drinking 'alcohol removed wine'), so of course Chris and Jill had to say "no way, Jose - not on chemo!".  Of course, we all think it's hilarious that Little Miss Sneaky Pants decided to try that on poor unsuspecting siblings!  Ha!
Don't let the confusion fool you, kids, that mind is still working away! 
Back to treatment tomorrow for Radiation #5.  She finished her first full week of chemo today - so ONE WEEK DOWN, FIVE TO GO!!!!
More to come!


  1. Sooo glad Beverly had such a super weekend in Jax and to top the trip off ... a visit to one of her BFF's!!!!! Nothing like a BFF!!!!! Sounds like Jill had everything in control on the "homefront!" Yeah, Jill!!!
    Lots of thoughts, prayers, and heartfelt positive spirit will be with you, Beverly, during this week of treatment. We love you!!!!!! Pat & Aunt Dot

  2. Beverly you look great!! I'm glad you got to visit your friends and take a trip to Jacksonville. It sounds like you have an amazing support group that love you very much. Keep up the good work and I hope to see you soon. And I would be thrilled to take you shopping or to the doctor. Whatever ou need. Take care friend. Hugs and kisses, Hilda
