Friday, September 26, 2014

Another Week Ends - September 26

Ahh, Friday!

As of this moment, Beverly has one full week plus two days of treatment left!  Amazing, isn't it?!  Been a long haul - but our Beverly has been a real trouper throughout - keeping her chin up, a positive attitude, and even when things weren't going really great, she hung in there through it.  And so, everyone else takes their cues from her and well, this hurdle of daily treks to Emory is almost behind her and we're all very glad!

Recap of the week -

So Jill and Susan have been there this week, and that's been good for Beverly - she's enjoyed it, we're sure!  Let's see, what are the medical updates for the week?

The droopy left foot:
Beverly saw the neurologist and did bunches of tests on that droopy left foot on Wednesday.  It is not related to the tumor.  Beverly will be doing some physical therapy to try to build up some strength in that foot - but after her appointments, she was adamant that we should all understand how bad it is to sit on your foot (or feet), and to cross your legs.  So, pay attention - when you're sitting watching TV, do you have a foot tucked underneath you?  When you're at work, are you crossing your legs?  All that is really bad for your peripheral nerves.  Don't sit on your feet or cross your legs!  (Here ends the public service announcement!)

The visit with the nutritionist:
Beverly just really is not enjoying the taste of meat right now, and she lost a little more weight this week, so they met with a dietician.  She was given great ideas about how to boost protein and calories without meat being a factor, so that was good.  Knowing that this lack of appetite or food tasting good thing should be temporary, for now, Beverly can supplement with high-calorie protein bars, nutrition supplements, and so on.  So that was a good visit.

The weekly visit with Dr. McFavorite:
Here's where it really gets good.  Ready?  The Guinea Pig scan from last week shows that the tumor has DECREASED IN SIZE.  Slight decrease, but it is a DECREASE!!!!!  Now I know this brings a question or two - the first probably being "but I thought they got the tumor when they did surgery?".  They got a lot of the tumor when they did surgery, but as this type of cancer (glioblastoma) doesn't have nice, clear margins, it is impossible to remove it all surgically.  So, even after surgery there was some left - and that "some" has reduced in size so far through her treatment!!!!

***This is where we all break into our happy dances, or whoops of joy, or prayers of thanksgiving, or lighting of candles or all of the above!!  But folks, this is a big deal and it is a great step!!!***

So, that's the news of the weird, er - world, for this week!  Susan heads home tomorrow, and Jill will be there for the weekend and for the Emory treks on Monday and Tuesday.  Kristen will drive up on Tuesday and drive the treks Wednesday through Friday.  After that, Beverly will only have two more routine days at Emory for radiation, and then she'll go into maintenance mode.  She'll be able to do her PT closer to home too, so that is good news!  

Driving to PT appointments will be a place where we could use help from all you faithful friends out there who are asking how you can help.  Since she can do it much closer to home, it won't involve the same time commitment as the Emory treks have required.  Once we get the details on where and when, we'll send out the call for help!

Happy Weekend Everybody!!!  Keep those good thoughts and prayers going, please!!

Monday, September 22, 2014

Another week begins! September 22

First, a giant happy birthday to Beverly's son Seth!!!

This week, Jill and Susan (Bev's sister) are in residence with her, they both got there Saturday (and Ivy left Saturday after a week that Bev really enjoyed!).  Beverly had an appointment today with her Oncologist (not Dr. McFavorite but this one is a goodie too).  He confirmed the complete lack of dietary restrictions and will have a nutritionist work with Bev on some ideas for foods that may taste good to her.  He is also sending her to a Neurologist - her left foot has been kinda droopy since all this started, and seems to be getting worse - but they feel it is unrelated to the tumor so want a Neuro to see her.  Reports are that Beverly was very engaged and had a great sense of humor in today's visit - continuing her streak of being not too overwhelmed to ask her own questions and participate, so we're happy about that!

Meanwhile, Jill reports that there were some shenanigans last night at the house...apparently there were strange lights and Bev went outside to let those intruders know they were on private property and she would call the police if they didn't leave!  Then Susan got in on the act too.  Meanwhile, Jill was engrossed in a book and didn't want to participate and they were like "Why isn't Jill coming out??"...and then they realized the strange lights were really a porch light causing a glare!!!  She (Jill) said it was hilarious.  One can only imagine!!!

Happiness is the fact that Beverly can participate in shenanigans!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Thursday's update - September 18

Today was a long day of appointments.  Beverly, Ivy, and Chris zoomed off to Emory this morning and learned upon arrival that the Oncologists and their crews had been to a conference this week, so there was a backlog of patients to be seen.  Never mind, it's to be expected!  So Beverly did her "officially past half way" radiation treatment, and then the Three Amigos sat in the waiting room waiting to see Dr. McFavorite for quite some time.  But see him they did, plus his nurse practitioner, and this is what we know:

1.  Bev lost almost two full pounds in the last week.  The directive is "calories, calories, calories".  So we think ice cream at every meal, with some butter on top, is what needs to happen!  Seriously though, many things just don't taste good to Bev - things that she loves so much - and the doctor said today that is normal while undergoing radiation and to expect that to last 6-ish weeks after the treatments are complete.  So, we need to push calories as much as possible without worrying about if it is healthy or not at this point.

2.  She's responding well to the treatment!  The good doctor was pleased today, and those with her this week have reported better responses, so we are claiming and trusting that the treatment is having the desired effect!!!

So, tomorrow, Chris will zoom off to Emory with Ivy and Beverly in the chase car behind him.  Once he gets them delivered safely to treatment, he'll head home to Jacksonville and Ivy will drive Beverly home.  Jill will be there tomorrow night too, and rumor has it that Sister Susan arrives Saturday.

Another week down, y'all!  Please keep those good thoughts, prayers, cards, calls, letters, well wishes coming!  Beverly (and all the family) are buoyed by the outpouring of caring on Bev's behalf!!!

And...we'll keep you posted! 

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Half Way - Tuesday September 16

OK, so today is the HALF WAY POINT of treatment for Beverly!!!!  Yay!!!!  15 more treatments to go and she'll be done with this phase of the process.  We know she's glad!

Yesterday Jill took Beverly to Emory for another treatment and then home to hang out with friends Ivy and Donna.  Today Chris took Beverly for treatment and fortunately, it was uneventful.  The President was scheduled to be at the Centers for Disease Control - which just happens to be across the street from Emory so they were not sure what they'd encounter.  Fortunately they were done and out of there before the craziness began, so that was a relief!   This afternoon Beverly and Ivy went and got their nails done and had some girl time.  At the last report, they were having a good evening - even though Bev didn't eat much of her supper - we think probably because she ate a bunch of ice cream right before!  Ha!!!  Who is going to argue with her about eating ice cream?  No one!  

So tomorrow is back to Emory for the usual treatment and then lab work, should be a relatively uneventful day.

Chris hadn't seen Bev in almost two weeks and reports a noticeable improvement in her confusion and all that stuff, so that is really, really happy news.  Really, really! 

So, girls and boys, keep those prayers and good thoughts coming!!!

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Weekend Update - September 14

Quick update on the weekend - Seth brought Beverly home Friday afternoon and she's been there with Jill this weekend.  Sounds like they've had a good time, I heard Beverly was sweeping yesterday before they went to go pick out some fabric for some cushion re-covering, and today she went to watch Jill play a tennis match - that turned into a four hour match that Jill and her tennis partner lost.  Boo!!! We wanted Jill to win!  But Bev said it was a good match and that she enjoyed it.

Ivy is on her way today, Jill is taking Beverly to her treatment Monday, Chris will be there Monday afternoon to manage the driving for the rest of the week, so our Beverly has a full week ahead!  She reaches the halfway point in her chemo and radiation this coming week as well, so that's an exciting milestone!

Please keep those wonderful good thoughts and prayers going!!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

And Twofer Thursday - September 11

Two more treatments completed!  That brings the count of Radiation treatments down to 18 (almost halfway done!!) so that's great!

Beverly had another really good day on Wednesday, complete with a radiation treatment and a weekly trip to the Lab for bloodwork.

Today, Beverly had another of her Guinea Pig scans, then radiation, and then her weekly visit with Dr. McFavorite.  Seth really enjoyed reading the research questionnaire with all those very personal questions on it with his Mom.  Nope, that wasn't the least bit awkward!  Beverly had her own questions for the doctor today, which is wonderful - she's thinking and asking questions instead of being too overwhelmed.  She had her weekly weigh in, and she'd lost a little weight - but on the order of ounces, not pounds, so that's ok too!

So all in all, another good couple of days!!!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Twofer Tuesday - September 9

Hi all, it's a special "Twofer Tuesday" edition of Bev's Blog today since you were shortchanged yesterday!

Beverly had a really great day yesterday - beginning with 10 straight hours of sleep Sunday night!  Then she and Kelly zoomed off to treatment, came home, Beverly puttered around happily for the afternoon, cooked supper, ate ice cream, watched tennis - doing things much more like herself!!!  Obviously we were all very excited for that update last night...and prayed it would continue today.

Which brings us to Tuesday - and Seth reports another great day is underway (at almost 3 in the afternoon).  He and Beverly zoomed off to treatment and then enjoyed a delicious lunch at IHOP where Bev ate an entire...wait for it...ONE POUND OMELET!!!  (She's gonna kill me for putting all these glorious details out in the public domain but we're excited!)  At this rate, the big weigh-in on Thursday ought to be a happy number that continues to head in the right direction - up!

Seth and Kelly have both commented on noticeable improvements in the last couple of days and you can imagine how very thankful, relieved, and excited we all are - and are so happy to get to share this wonderful progress with you!!!  Please do continue to keep Beverly in your thoughts and prayers, we covet them for her!  Please know that we are so very thankful for all of you who remember her daily, write comments, send cards, and call - all of the support has been amazing!

We'll keep you posted and hope for another wonderful update tomorrow!

Monday, September 8, 2014

Monday - September 8

It was a good weekend for Beverly - good times with her granddaughters and Seth and Kelly.  She ate well, rested well, got to watch soccer (live!) and tennis (on TV), football with Seth (go Falcons!), and got to be with Mya on her birthday. Couldn't ask for much more than that!

Today was back to Emory, and treatment went well and Bev and Kelly are on their way home now.  All is well!

Friday, September 5, 2014

Thursday, Friday, and the weekend

Beverly is all done with treatment for the week, hallelujah!  She's got 22 radiation treatments left to go!

Her appointment with Dr. McFavorite went well - she's put over a pound of weight back on, which we're all very excited about!!  Hopefully she can keep a good appetite and get lots of calories into that body.

She's off to Seth and Kelly's for the next week plus a few days - tomorrow is Mya's birthday party, so that should be lots of fun for everyone!

Hoping that she'll have a great weekend and next week with them, and then she'll be back in residence on Sunday the 14th and Ivy's coming then!  Yay!  Much to look forward to!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Wednesday's update - September 3

Busy day at Emory today for Beverly.  She had her usual radiation treatment, then got to go give some blood for lab work, and then got to have that breathing treatment to help prevent infection.  She said it really tasted *awful*, but it is the only time she has to do it so that's out of the way!

When she got home, she wasn't hungry, but did drink a Naked smoothie drink and then went upstairs to rest.  Was a bit restless and then realized she was hungry - so ate her lunch from yesterday (that she'd only eaten a few bites of) and then finished off some gelato and then started on some ice cream!  Chris and Jill report that she's finally believing them when they tell her she can eat whatever she wants!

Tomorrow is a normal radiation day followed by her weekly check up with Dr. McFavorite and a weigh-in.  We're hoping for an uptick on the number on the scale!

We'll keep you posted.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Tuesday's Update - September 2

Sorry to be so late with this today, but I've been on three different airplanes and one train today and am just getting online.

Beverly and Chris went to Emory for Radiation treatment #5 today.  5 down 25 to go!!!  On the way, Bev completed chemo dose #8, so she's got 34 of those to go - making progress!!!!  She continues to taper off the steroids, and as her dosage goes down so does her appetite, it seems, so everyone is pushing calories and we'll see what her weight is on Thursday when she sees Dr. McFavorite again.  We're counting on it at least staying the same, and maybe even going up!  That'd be amazing!

Tomorrow, she has her usual radiation treatment, then she gets to go to the lab for a routine round of blood work, and then she gets to go to respiratory services for a breathing treatment to help prevent an infection typical in patients on the chemo that Beverly is on.  This is nothing at all to be alarmed about, it is just part of the protocol for her treatment.  So tomorrow will be a long, busy day at Emory.

More to come!

Monday, September 1, 2014

Labor Day - September 1

Beverly and Chris got on the road shortly after 8 this morning and headed across south Georgia to Willacoochee where one of Bev's BFFs lives.  They got to Delaine's around 11 and had lunch and a good visit and were on the road again shortly before 1.  Beverly had a really good time seeing Delaine, and we're so thankful for the chance to get these two very dear friends together, even for a brief visit!

Look at these cuties!!!

Then it was off to home, and despite fairly heavy traffic, they made decent time and got home at about 4:15.  When they got home, Jill was on the John Deere mowing the grass - she'd had quite the adventure today getting the mower going, but get it going she did  - so that really thrilled Beverly! Jill had also fixed the tv that had just quit working at the end of last week, so that was also good.  Once they got the car unloaded and dinner plans figured out, Beverly announced that Kristen had said she could have real wine (she's been drinking 'alcohol removed wine'), so of course Chris and Jill had to say "no way, Jose - not on chemo!".  Of course, we all think it's hilarious that Little Miss Sneaky Pants decided to try that on poor unsuspecting siblings!  Ha!
Don't let the confusion fool you, kids, that mind is still working away! 
Back to treatment tomorrow for Radiation #5.  She finished her first full week of chemo today - so ONE WEEK DOWN, FIVE TO GO!!!!
More to come!