Friday, November 7, 2014

Doctor Appointment Update - November 7

Bev had a couple of appointments yesterday to check in with the Oncologist and the Radiation Oncologist.  There were two very best parts of the appointments- first is that the first scan after radiation is showing no progression in the size of the tumor, and second is that the tumor is "methylated".

The lack of progression means that the tumor has NOT grown during the treatment - which is WONDERFUL news!  It also means that we should really see an improvement over the next few weeks in some of Beverly's symptoms especially in the language department.  This will likely happen because the swelling caused by the radiation should go down and since the tumor hasn't grown, the combination of those two things will help symptoms improve.  So, we wait.

The "methylated" word is also good news because only 40% of brain tumors are methylated - but those types of tumors respond better to the chemotherapy.  So, for once, we're happy with a below average number when it comes to this tumor business for Beverly.

Her appetite continues to improve as well.  She ate an entire grilled cheese and spinach sandwich yesterday.  She also ate some chicken and some salad, and it all tasted good to her!  She is SO excited to be getting her foodie instincts back!!!

She is losing some of her hair due to the radiation, so Kelly has done some artful trimming so that Bev isn't running around with a mullet and she took Bev shopping for some knit caps too.  We didn't think this was going to happen as much as it has, but they said it will grow back - it's just another side effect of the radiation, much like the taste buds going on strike was.

She is in residence at Seth and Kelly's and will go to some soccer games with the girls tomorrow, and then Sister Liz is coming to stay with her for the remainder of the weekend.  Next week, she will have 5 days of the chemotherapy meds - which has been part of the plan all along (if the first post-radiation scan showed no progression of the tumor), and if all continues, she will do 5 days of chemo each month.

So, she's delighted with the news from yesterday - as we all are.  Please keep those prayers and good thoughts coming!!!

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Some tasty news! - November 2

Beverly reports that her tastebuds are on their way back! Hallelujah!!!!!!

Tuesday of last week she had a grilled havarti cheese sandwich that she enjoyed.  We were very cautiously optimistic at that news - but the fact that something containing cheese even appealed to her was a HUGE step!!!  She made her favorite soup last night (the loss of appetite for this soup was a major blow when that happened), and even though it didn't taste exactly right last night, she still enjoyed it!  Interestingly, she reports that her headaches haven't been bothering her lately too.  Nothing like food when you're hungry!  She's very encouraged at this progress, and you can imagine that we all are - and we thank you for your continued encouragement and prayers and good thoughts and on and on!

Sister Susan just spent a whole week with Bev "getting things done that needed to be done" (Beverly's words) so one can only imagine that that means.  Those sisters get together, and, well... :-)

OK that's about all for now, but we wanted to pass along the tasty news so you can rejoice with us and keep those good thoughts coming and prayers lifted!

More updates when something interesting happens, or after her appointments late this week.